In our lab., we study cognitive scientific trans or cross disiplilinary researches on human emotion, positive psychology, happiness, depression, clinical psychology, coaching/counselling, developmental economy, international comparison on happiness and development etc.
any collaboration requests from researchers, students (undergrad, grad/post grad, interns), inquiries from companies, governmental agencies, npos/ngos and individuals are welcome.
Kohei Noda (2024) The book you should read when you think you would be depression
Kohei Noda and Akio Hiramoto (2020) The current status of poverty and happiness in the Philippines, Youtube Hiramoto Akio Channel, the link below
Kentaro Yoshida and Kohei Noda (2018) Chapter 10 The Case of Service industry “IT and Call center” -the Philippines-, Reverse Innovation of Japanese SMEs. Doyukan
Kohei Noda, Yoshihiko Matsuoka (2016) Proposal of Real Life Experience Method in English Language as Second Language. 33rd Annual Meeting of Japan Cognitive Science Association
Kohei Noda, Happiness Workshop: learning from Filipino – Why Filipino People are always smiling, Cebu Pot Seminar, 24th March, 2016, Cebu: Philippines
Kohei Noda and Takashi Maeno, Trend in Happiness of Filipino From the Viewpoint of Comparison to Japanese, The 23rd Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology 2016, July 30 – Aug. 3, Nagoya: Japan. (Cancelled)
Kohei Noda, Narratives on HRM experience in the Philippines, Neue Fharne Seminar, Dec. 15, 2016, Tokyo: Japan
Ye Tian Haoping, West Yuan Yue Generation (2015) International U have Internet nn gu Psychological Association, West Yuan Yue generations, the original positive, Haraguchi good Code (Code), “コ ー チ ン グ Introduction to Psychology, “published by Nankai Ni シ と
Kohei Noda (2014) Simulation of emotional mechanism, Gen Murai (ed.), “Approaching quality from quantity to quality – how to measure human’s complex sensibility”, Shin – nishi
Kohei Noda, Plenary Talk, ICE 2013: PELS International Congress on eLearning 2013
Etsuyo Nishigaki, Horimasa, Honma Masato, Kohei Noda (2013) A symposium on public offering, establishment of coaching psychology in Japan, the 77th convention of the Japanese Psychology Association .
Noda K.(2012) ‘A cognitive emotional model for “”intrinsic motivation””””‘, Proceeding of the 34th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society.
野田浩平(2011)『世代間の「価値観」の相違を 互いに認め合う ~これからの企業の人材育成課題を探る~』、 Neue Fahne Journal No. 20. 2011年12月26日号. 野田浩平、児玉義徳(2011)『日本の起業家の特性及び背景要因の研究』、人材育成学会第9回大会予稿集((In Japanese) Noda, K., and Kodama, Y(2011) ‘Research on the Special Characteristics and Background Elements of Japanese Entrepreneurs’, Proceedings of 9th annual meeting of Japanese Academy of Human Resource Development.)
野田浩平(2011)『うつ病の増加を止め、絆を取り戻す社会への変化のきっかけ–震災後に見られた個人の社会へ関わる意識の変化の兆し』、東京工業大学大学院社会理工学研究科価値システム専攻15周年記念論考 re-boot 0311→1130 VALDES OPINIONS. ((In Japanese) Noda, K. ‘Preventing the Increase of Depression and Opportunities to Reconnect with Society – Post Earthquake Observations of a Pro-Active Consciousness Toward Society’, re-boot 0311→1130?VALDES Opinions.
野田浩平、宮越大樹、五十嵐久美子、平本明武(2011)『気付きを生み,動機付けを高めるシミュレーション方法の開発』、日本認知科学会第28回大会予稿集 ((In Japanese) Noda, K., Miyakoshi, D., Igarashi, K., and Hiramoto, (2011) ‘The development of the mental simulation methodology?which enhances mindfulness and motivation’, Proceedings of 28th annual meeting of Japanese Cognitive Science Society.)
Noda K.?and Agullo, B.?(2010) ‘Simulating Corporate Organizational Performance?at the Cognitive Modeling/Architecture Level’, Proceeding of the 32nd Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society, accepted.
野田浩平、(2010)『いかに職業価値観を正しく測定するか −身体性記憶を用いた職業価値観の測定法とその知識表現−』、第8回日本人材育成学会年次大会予稿集.(In Japanese,?Noda K. (2010) ‘How to assess work values correctly -The assessment method and knowledge representation of work values exploiting episodic embodied memories- ‘, Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Academy of Human Resource Development.)
Agullo, B. and Noda K. (2009) ‘Agent-based HR cost simulation to aid strategic HRM decision-making:?Optimizing the cost balance of hiring and training’, 第7回日本人材育成学会年次大会予稿集(Proceedings of the 7th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Academy of Human Resource Development).
野田浩平、相崎明希子、岩澤健久、(2009)『企業向け抑うつリスク検査開発の試み』、第14回日本産業カウンセリング学会年次大会予稿集.pp.138-139. Noda, K., Aizaki, A. and Iwasawa, T. (2009) ‘Attempt to develop a depression survey to use in organizations’. Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Association of Industrial Counselors, pp.138-139. (In Japanese)
Noda, K., Hisatsu, G., and Voss, K. (2008) An application of Cognitive Emotional Agent Architecture to model Emotional Intelligence, International Journal of Work, Organization and Emotion, 2(4) pp. 389-406.
Noda, K., Sasaki, K., Noguchi, A. and Yokoi, M. (2008) ‘Modeling emotional intelligence from kansei informatics point of view’, Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Kansei. pp.12?14.
Noda, K., Takeda, Y. and Yokoi, M. (2008) ‘Cognitive Knowledge, Skills and Abilities (KSAs) to enhance emotional intelligence’, Proceeding of the 30th Annual Meeting of Cognitive Science Society.
Noda, K., 2007, Brain Inspired Cognitive Emotional Agent Architecture and its Application to Corporate Human Resource Management System. Doctoral Dissertation submitted to Department of Value and Decision Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology. (In Japanese) 野田浩平, (2007),脳に着想を得た感情機構エージェントとその企業人事管理システムへの応用,東京工業大学博士学位論文.
Noda, K. and Hisatsu, G., 2007, ?An Application of Cognitive Emotional Agent Architecture to Corporate Human Resource Management, Proceedings of 29th annual conference of the cognitive science society, 1824.
Noda, K. (2007) ‘An application of human resource evaluation ontology’, Proceedings of Symposium on Large-scale Knowledge Resources (LKR 2007), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
Noda, K., Voss, K. and Hisatsu, G., 2007, An application of cognitive science research outcomes to the visualization and the knowledge sharing of human resource evaluation information, Cognitive Studies: Bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society, 14(1) pp. 78-89. (In Japanese.) 野田浩平, Klaus Voss, 久津豪. (2007)?人事評価情報の可視化, 知識共有への認知科学の応用 — エージェントモデリング及びオントロジーを用いて, 『認知科学』14(1) pp. 78-89.
Noda, K., Voss, K. and Tokosumi, A., 2006, Emotion agent architecture simulating emotional reactions in a recruitment interview, Proceedings of international One-Day conference on ‘Emotion and Work: Ideas and Progress’, pp. 12-13.
Noda, K., 2006, Emotion Mechanism of Anxiety by Agent Based Simulation on Recruitment Interview-, Proceedings of 6th annual meeting of the Japanese Association for Cognitive Therapy, 117. (In Japanese不 安感情喚起の脳内機構採用面接時のエージェントベースシミュレーション)
Noda, K., 2006, Towards a Representational Model of Evaluation Ontology, Proceedings of International Symposium on Large Scale Knowledge Resources: LKR2006, 159-160
Noda, K.,2005a, Chapter 4 ‘DPI(Diamond Personality Inventory) test’ and Recruitment Interview, eds. Honmyo, H., Oda, M., and Noguchi, K., Attitude Ability Handbook, 50-57, 60. Tokyo: Diamond Inc. (In Japanese第4章 「DPIテスト」と面接,本明寛, 織田正美, 野口京子(編), 態度能力ハンドブック,50-57, 60.)
Noda, K. and Tokosumi, A., 2005b, The Development of Value Ontology, Proceedings of Symposium on Large Scale Knowledge Resources: LKR2005, 179-182.
Noda, K. and Tokosumi, A., 2004a, An Embodied Computational Model of Simulating Depression, Proceedings of IEEE 13th International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication,.
Noda, K. and Tokosumi, A., 2004b, ‘Artificial brain methodology’ and an application of StarLogo, Proceedings of The Sixth International Conference on Cognitive Modeling, 374-375.
Noda, K. and Tokosumi, A., 2002, A simulated embodied agent model of depression by Artificial Brain Methodology, Proceeding of the 19th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society, 8-9.
Noda, K., 2002, A Computational Model of Depression by Design Approach, Master Thesis submitted to Department of Value and Decision Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
Pfeifer, R., Iida, F., Noda, K., 2001, Joint Swiss-Japanese Projects of the AILab, ‘Journal’Quarterly Review of Swiss-Japanese Chamber of Commerce, 3. Pfeifer, R., Iida, F., Noda, K., 2001, Joint Swiss-Japanese Projects of the AILab (AI研究室におけるスイス −日本共同研究プロジェクト), ‘Journal’Quarterly Review of Swiss-Japanese Chamber of Commerce, 3. (In Japanese)
Noda, K. and Tokosumi, A., 2001, A Double-layered Architecture of Emotion ? Artificial Brain Methodology for Depression, Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information Engineering Systems & Allied Technologies KES’2001 Part 2, eds. Baba, N., Jain, L. C., and Howlett, R. J., 1239-1242. Tokyo: Ohmsha.
Noda, K. and Tokosumi, A., 2001, The emergence of depression – A proposal for a methodology of emotion research -, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Cognitive Science, 164. Beijing, Press of University of Science and Technology of China,
Noda, K., 2000, Leadership generation model from the perspective of emotion(感情から見たリーダーシップ発生モデル), VALDES Technical paper, Tokyo institute of technology. (in Japanese)
Noda, K. and Tokosumi, A. (2000): The cognitive model of thinking process under the depression(抑うつ気分における思考過程の認知モデル), cognitive therapy news(認知療法ニュース), 15. (in Japanese)
Tokosumi, A. and Noda, K. (2000): Design principle of an artificial brain for emotion and kansei. Proceedings of the 11th T.I.T. Brain Research Symposium, pp. 38-45.
Noda, K. and Tokosumi, A. (2000): Brain modeling of depressive feeling and thinking, Proceedings of the 1st Corpus informatics research meeting, pp. 8-11.
Tokosumi, A. and Noda, K., 2000, Physiologically grounded theory of cognitive emotions. Proceedings of the 1st Corpus informatics research meeting, pp. 18.(In Japanese文理シナ ジー学会・研究分科会コルプス情報学研究会第1回大会予稿集. 18.)”